Monday, December 19, 2005

Maybe a white X-Mas after all?

Leaving the office today it was snowing. Absolutely not in line with the forecast for the week, but a nice surprise. I can't remember the last a white X-Mas. Must be quit a while ago...
It was a nice feeling driving home while the snow flakes were glistening like a starry curtain, reflecting the headlight beams. It really gives this warm, cosy season feeling.

When I came home, approaching the house via the garden as usual, my big black friend was waiting for me at door. Not in his usual lazy pose, but comfortable lying face down on the doormat. Guess the falling snow didn't appeal to assume his favorite pose. His usual "meow" and loud purring were a nice welcome home. Dale and I went in together and since that moment he stuck to me like glue. He kept rubbing himself against my legs, purring loud as 8-cylinder Jaquar. Of course I should have known! It was after seven pm and he had been alone all day. Being alone all day for Dale means no snacky in the afternoon so the poor guy was just hungry! I went up the stairs to the office to say hi to Mrs. C-S (a.k.a. "old blogger") and then took care of my buddy, often called "our son".

Just called my ex to see how she's doing and of course to see how my "little girl" is doing. Funny enough I still call my 15-year old, 1.76 m tall daughter "my little girl. I have to be careful there as she might be in a position in the near future to spit me on the bold spot without standing on tiptoe. It was good to have a nice chat with my ex again and hearing that everything is going well.

Now I'm at the PC, blogging a bit, staring outside and notice it has stopped snowing. I hope the snow will come down again tonight. The outside world looks so peaceful and clean when snow covers the landscape... I'll keep hoping this year's X-Mas will be white! That's my second biggest wish for X-Mas. So Santa, if you grant me two wishes, you know what to fulfill. If you grant me only one then forget about the snow......


Anonymous said...

I checked with UPS and Fedex-too bad they do not accept snow shipments we have plenty here in Canada,but I wish you get your white X-Mas anyway-Mery Christmas to you and Orange.

CanadianSwiss said...

Thanks for your efforts! Wish you very happy holidays, too!