Monday, May 19, 2008

We're not dead... just a wee bit busy.

The past week has been extremely busy and the coming week is going to be even busier (I think) at work - which actually thrills me. I'm just like that.

I was deputizing a colleague of mine who was on vacation last week just before a mega-meeting that's starting tomorrow. Before you ask, she had booked her holidays over 6 months ago and the meeting was planned only 2 months ago, so no, she didn't do it to be mean to me, or anything. Actually, she felt really bad about it. Why? Now, you tell me... When do people start deciding to change their travel plans and their hotel booking, or cancel all in all? Of course, at the last minute (after they get the reminder with the agenda). What else?

Anyway, this just to tell you that we'll still be quiet until the weekend, BUT I will show you our new sofa, or maybe Dale will, since you literally have to scrape him off it, we've re-potted plants and they are growing like mad, not to mention that we re-did part of the garden, too.

But that will all be in the next post. So, stay with us, or go watch a good movie. We'll be back soon.

Have a great week!


The Ferryman said...

If you WERE dead, and you were still posting, you would be the first zombie blogger.

Pretty cool.

Ginnie Hart said...

After mowing the yard today, I saw all the weeds that need to be pulled. Yup. It's that time of the year. But I'd rather go watch a good movie. Hmmm. I think I will do that after Nicholas comes over tomorrow. Maybe "Ironman!" Thanks for the idea, CS. :)

CanadianSwiss said...

Fab: LOL. A zombie would be kinda cool, although I prefer being "uncool" and alive.

Ginnie: Maybe you could combine the idea and get an "Ironman" to do your yard and watch a movie while he's working ;)

Shammickite said...

That's OK.... after a 5 day Tessaweekend, I need my rest.

Unknown said...

work has been so insane i haven't really been in the mood to touch a computer!