My good friend Shelli tagged me with a meme that I’ve never heard of before, basically, because she got the idea. I think it's fun and decided to do it.
6 Weird things I do while getting ready to sleep or while sleeping:
- I always fall asleep on my left side. ALWAYS! I may change my position after that, but to fall asleep, it’s only the left side.
- Orange-X and I each have our own duvet (eiderdown). I like to wrap myself in it, so I would keep stealing the covers if we had only one. The other reason why, is that O-X emits incredible body heat so that sharing one duvet would not be bearable.
- I sleep in undies and usually a T-Shirt or then a sleeveless top in summer. Because I usually sleep on my side, I can’t stand it when my thighs are skin on skin. During the warm season, I always swing one leg over my duvet and in winter, I kind of wrap my legs in the down blanket, so that they don’t touch directly. My lower back also has to be covered at all times; otherwise, I get up with backaches.
- Our bedroom window is always tipped open; winter or summer. We both CANNOT sleep with closed windows.
- I always have to leave enough space to the left of my head for Dale to come join me in bed. If I don’t, he will let me know by either lying on my face, or licking my arm or nose until I make space for him. He stays until I fall asleep.
- If I go to bed before O-X – let’s say he wants to finish watching a movie – he will find me in the middle of the bed and spread eagle. He somehow manages to move me over without me waking up.
I’ll add a few more for your entertainment:
- I can snore like you wouldn’t believe, especially after a few drinks or after very garlicky meals. Me loves garlic, but I get this pasty feel on my tongue.
- I turn and fluff my pillow often during the night; I hate warm pillows and duvets.
- I love to hear rain and thunderstorms during the night. It relaxes me.
- If I get up during the night to go to the bathroom, I open just one eye (a mere slit) and will not turn on the light, nor will I ever look at the alarm clock. I don’t want to know that I still have X minutes/hours left.
How much wierder can you get? Well, you tell me.
I don’t usually tag people, but because this is a new meme and because I am spreading the meme love, I will tag Mrs. TBF (just do it when you find the time. I know you travel a lot), Colon Blow (I’m curious to see if something runs in the family), Sal (make sure to do your draft in Word ;)), Christina, Michael, ExpaTraveler, Jay and Tina.
Just let me know when it’s up, okay?